Mohammad Sadik Inspired by Mohammad Sadik

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Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Memahami Komponen Router dan Aksesoris

Laboratorium informasi ini akan membantu Anda memahami sejarah Cisco Router, Jaringan Modul, WAN Interface Card, RAM, FLASH dan Pemasangan Kabel. This lab designed to provide information for identifying router component(s) and devices for day-to-day operation and maintenance. Laboratorium ini dirancang untuk memberikan informasi untuk mengidentifikasi komponen router (s) dan perangkat untuk operasi sehari-hari dan pemeliharaan.

Sejak awal 1990-an, Cisco telah melakukan pendekatan baru terhadap modularitas perangkat pada perangkat jaringan perusahaan. In the past; the Cisco 2500 Series Routers, excluding the 2524 had fixed port(s) configuration ranging from Ethernet, Serial, Token Ring, ISDN and Terminal Lines which in this case it imposed a limit for network investment protection and scalability within an enterprise networks. Di masa lalu; Cisco Router 2500 Series, termasuk 2524 telah tetap port (s) konfigurasi mulai dari Ethernet, Serial, Token Ring, ISDN dan Terminal Baris yang dalam hal ini dikenakan batas untuk perlindungan jaringan investasi dan skalabilitas dalam suatu perusahaan jaringan.

With the announcement and release of the Cisco 3600 Series Routers in 1996, businesses felt a relief in investment protection as they were not required to replace an entire router when upgrading WAN and/or LAN link aggregation. Dengan pengumuman dan rilis Cisco 3600 Series Router pada tahun 1996, bisnis merasa lega dalam perlindungan investasi karena mereka tidak diharuskan untuk mengganti seluruh router ketika melakukan upgrade WAN dan / atau LAN agregasi link. Companies could easily migrate from using an ISDN line to a T1 line with the swap of a WIC ( WAN Interface Module ) as well as upgrade LAN ports from 10Base-T to 10/100Tx with the change of a NM ( Network Module ). Perusahaan dapat dengan mudah bermigrasi dari menggunakan line ISDN ke garis T1 dengan swap dari WIC (WAN Interface Modul) serta upgrade dari LAN port 10Base-T untuk 10/100TX dengan perubahan dari NM (Network Module).

Cisco 2600 Series router, mengumumkan pada bulan Maret 1998 adalah tonggak berikutnya untuk Cisco Systems Inc, router multiservice generasi baru (s) dirancang untuk memberikan aman, kawat-kecepatan pengiriman suara simultan, data, video, dan layanan nirkabel.

The 2600 Series routers lacked one feature that was a small upset for several network engineers that was available on the Cisco 3600 Series routers, the PCMCIA flash card slots. 2600 Seri router tidak memiliki satu fitur yang gangguan kecil untuk beberapa network engineer yang tersedia pada router Cisco 3600 Series, flash slot kartu PCMCIA. Engineers that were familiar with the 3600 Series platforms found that the backup and restore of configuration files as well as IOS images was simple with the change of a PCMCIA Flash card. Engineers yang akrab dengan platform Seri 3600 menemukan bahwa cadangan dan memulihkan file konfigurasi serta gambar IOS sederhana dengan perubahan Flash kartu PCMCIA.

In May of 2002, Cisco launched the new Cisco 2600XM Series Multiservice Routers which included several upgraded system architecture features such as a revision of the current Motorola Processor, 125MHZ SDRAM, 16MB integrated flash with a max flash of 48MB, and support of 128MB RAM. Pada bulan Mei 2002, Cisco meluncurkan Cisco Seri 2600XM Router MultiService arsitektur sistem yang mencakup beberapa upgrade fitur seperti revisi prosesor Motorola saat ini, 125MHZ SDRAM, 16MB flash terintegrasi dengan flash maksimum 48MB, dan dukungan dari 128MB RAM.

Later, with the release of 12.2(8r) bootrom, the 2600XM Series multiservice routers supported 256MB RAM. Kemudian, dengan pelepasan 12,2 (8r) bootrom, Seri 2600XM router multiservice didukung RAM 256MB. Due to the software limitation of the 2600XM Series Internetwork Operating System ( IOS ), only 128MB RAM was able to be utilized at any given point by the operating system. Karena keterbatasan perangkat lunak dari Seri 2600XM Internetwork Operating System (IOS), RAM 128MB hanya bisa digunakan pada suatu titik tertentu oleh sistem operasi. The additional RAM availability increased overall memory resources since the space required for the decompressed IOS image would not reduce overall available memory resources for the IOS. Ketersediaan RAM tambahan peningkatan sumber daya memori secara keseluruhan sejak ruang yang diperlukan untuk IOS image didekompresi tidak akan mengurangi sumber daya secara keseluruhan memori yang tersedia untuk IOS.

The Cisco 2691 router was released at the same time as the 2600XM and it's the fastest of its series, designed to provide higher throughput, scalability, and versatility. Cisco Router 2691 dirilis pada waktu yang sama dengan 2600XM dan itu adalah tercepat seri, yang dirancang untuk memberikan throughput yang lebih tinggi, skalabilitas, dan fleksibilitas. The 2691 brought back an old feature which made administration and maintenance easy; the hot-swappable flash card. The 2691 dibawa kembali fitur lama yang membuat administrasi dan pemeliharaan mudah; kartu flash hot-swappable. Many engineers were disappointed with the disappearance of the removable flash cards that was originally available in the 3600 Series routers. Banyak insinyur kecewa dengan hilangnya kartu flash dapat dilepas yang pada awalnya tersedia di router 3600 Series.

The 2691 was a major stepping stone in Cisco's device architecture. The 2691 adalah batu loncatan besar dalam arsitektur perangkat Cisco. The removable flash cards have built the storage foundation of today's Cisco device technology. Kartu flash dapat dilepas telah membangun fondasi perangkat teknologi penyimpanan saat ini Cisco. Devices such as the 2800, 3800 Series ISR ( Integrated Services routers ) Routers, ASA 5500 Series Firewalls, and more were designed to utilize Compact Flash (CF) Cards. Perangkat seperti 2800, 3800 Series ISR (Integrated Services router) Router, ASA 5500 Series Firewall, dan lebih dirancang untuk memanfaatkan Compact Flash (CF) Card. CF cards proved to be several times faster and more resilient than previous storage technology utilized by Cisco devices. kartu CF terbukti beberapa kali lebih cepat dan lebih tangguh dibandingkan dengan teknologi penyimpanan sebelumnya digunakan oleh perangkat Cisco.

The 1800, 2800 and 3800 Series routers support new HWIC ( High-speed WAN Interface Card’s ) which supports 400Mbps per slot whereas previous WIC technology only supported 8Mbps shared per PCI BUS. The 1800, 2800 dan 3800 Seri router dukungan HWIC baru (High-speed's WAN Interface Card) yang mendukung 400Mbps per slot sedangkan sebelumnya hanya teknologi WIC 8Mbps didukung bersama per PCI BUS.

Example; the 2600XM Series has two integrated WIC slots on a shared bus. Contoh; Seri 2600XM memiliki dua slot terintegrasi WIC di bus bersama. The 2600XM supports a single WIC-2T port operating at 8Mbps speed or two ports at 4Mbps but due to the shared bus, the other WIC slot cannot be used. The 2600XM mendukung port WIC-2T tunggal yang beroperasi pada kecepatan 8Mbps atau dua port pada 4Mbps namun karena bus bersama, slot WIC lain tidak dapat digunakan. This limitation also applied to the NM-1FE2W, NM-1FE1R2W, NM-2FE2W and NM-2W network modules. Keterbatasan ini juga berlaku untuk NM-1FE2W, NM-1FE1R2W, NM-2FE2W dan modul NM-2W jaringan.

The 2800 Series ISR Routers ( Excluding 2801 ) have four HWIC slots supporting 400Mbps full-duplex per slot and one or more NME ( Network Module Enhanced ) slots operating at a shared 1.2Gbps across all slots within the platform whereas its predecessor; Network Module was only capable of operating at shared speeds up to 600Mbps across all network module slots within the platform. The Seri 2800 Router ISR (Diluar 2801) memiliki empat slot HWIC mendukung 400Mbps full-duplex per slot dan satu atau lebih NME (Enhanced Modul Jaringan) yang beroperasi pada slot 1.2Gbps bersama di semua slot dalam platform sedangkan pendahulunya; Jaringan Modul adalah hanya mampu beroperasi pada kecepatan hingga 600Mbps berbagi jaringan di semua slot modul dalam platform.

Below is a chart of common routers including ports, slots, performance, max RAM and FLASH; Di bawah ini adalah tabel router umum termasuk port, slot, kinerja, RAM maks dan FLASH;
* – See Notes below each chart. * - Lihat Catatan di bawah masing-masing bagan.

Cisco 2500 Series Routers Cisco Router 2500 Series

Router Router


Flash Flash

Serial* Serial *


Ethernet RJ-45 Ethernet RJ-45

Token Ring Token Ring


Async Lines* Async Lines *

2501 2501

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 2H

1 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

2502 2502

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 2H

0 0

0 0

1 1

0 0

0 0

2503 2503

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 2H

1 1

0 0

0 0

1 1

0 0

2504 2504

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 2H

0 0

0 0

1 1

1 1

0 0

2507 2507

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 2H

1 1

16 Hub Ports 16 Hub Ports

0 0

0 0

0 0

2509 2509

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 2H

1 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

8 Lines Octal 8 Lines Oktal

2509-RJ 2509-RJ

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

1H 1H

1 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

8 Lines RJ-45 8 Lines RJ-45

2510 2510

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 2H

0 0

0 0

1 1

0 0

8 Lines Octal 8 Lines Oktal

2511 2511

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 2H

1 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

16 Lines Octal 16 Lines Oktal

2511-RJ 2511-RJ

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

1H 1H

1 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

16 Lines RJ-45 16 Lines RJ-45

2512 2512

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 2H

0 0

0 0

1 1

0 0

16 Lines Octal 16 Lines Oktal

2513 2513

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 2H

1 1

0 0

1 1

0 0

0 0

2514 2514

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 2H

2 2

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

2515 2515

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 2H

0 0

0 0

2 2

0 0

0 0

2516 2516

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 2H

0 0

14 Hub Ports 14 Hub Ports

1 Ethernet Port 1 Ethernet Port

0 0

1 1

0 0

2518 2518

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

0 0

1 1

24 Port Module 24 Port Modul

0 0

0 0

0 0

2520 2520

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 2L 2H 2L

1 1

0 0

1 1

0 0

2521 2521

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 2L 2H 2L

0 0

0 0

1 1

0 0

2522 2522

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 8L 2H 8L

1 – Shared 1 - Bersama

0 0

1 1

0 0

2523 2523

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

2H 8L 2H 8L

0 0

1 1

1 1

1 1

0 0

2524 2524

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

0 0

1 – Shared 1 - Bersama

0 0

0 0

0 0

2525 2525

16MB 16MB

16MB 16MB

0 0

0 0

1 1

1 1

1 1

0 0

Notes: This chart was compiled for lab use only; these routers should NEVER be used in production. Catatan: tabel ini dikompilasi untuk penggunaan laboratorium saja; ini router harus NEVER akan digunakan dalam produksi.
2500's have a Motorola 68030 20 MHz processor. 2500 ini memiliki 20 prosesor Motorola 68.030 MHz. Have 1x 80pin SIMM RAM slot & 2x pin SIMM Flash slots. Apakah 1x 80pin slot SIMM RAM & 2x pin Flash slot SIMM.
Some 2500 series routers have 2MB DRAM soldered onto the mainboard used for buffer/shared memory. Beberapa seri router 2500 2MB DRAM disolder ke mainboard digunakan untuk penyangga / memori bersama.
Async Lines can be used as modem ports or terminal lines used in access servers. Async Lines dapat digunakan sebagai port modem atau baris terminal yang digunakan dalam akses server.
*H = High Speed Synchronous Serial Interface. * H = High Speed Synchronous Serial Interface.
*L = Low Speed Synchronous/Asynchronous Serial Interface. * Kecepatan Rendah L = Synchronous / Asynchronous Serial Interface.

Cisco 1600 Series Routers Cisco Router 1600 Series

Router Router


Flash* Flash *


Ethernet Ethernet



56k DSU 56k DSU

Performance Prestasi

1601 1601

24MB 24MB

16MB 16MB

33Mhz 33Mhz

AUI RJ45 Shared AUI RJ45 Bersama

1 1

0 0

0 0

4k pps Pps 4k

1602 1602

24MB 24MB

16MB 16MB

33Mhz 33Mhz

AUI RJ45 Shared AUI RJ45 Bersama

1 1

0 0

1 1

4k pps Pps 4k

1603 1603

24MB 24MB

16MB 16MB

33Mhz 33Mhz

AUI RJ45 Shared AUI RJ45 Bersama

1 1


0 0

4k pps Pps 4k

1604 1604

24MB 24MB

16MB 16MB

33Mhz 33Mhz

AUI RJ45 Shared AUI RJ45 Bersama

1 1

1 NT1 1 NT1

0 0

4k pps Pps 4k

1605 1605

24MB 24MB

16MB 16MB

33Mhz 33Mhz

1 RJ45 – 1 Shared 1 RJ45 - 1 Bersama

1 1

0 0

0 0

4k pps Pps 4k

Notes: 1600 Series used PCMCIA Flash Cards. Catatan: 1600 Series Flash digunakan PCMCIA Card.
1600 Series routers use a Motorola 68360 33Mhz Processor. 1600 Seri router menggunakan Motorola 68360 Processor 33Mhz.

Cisco 3600 Series Routers Cisco Router 3600 Series

Router Router


Flash Flash


Ethernet Ethernet




Performance Prestasi

3620 3.620

64MB 64MB

32MB 32MB

80Mhz 80Mhz

None Tidak ada

0 0

2 2

0 0

20-40k pps 20-40k pps

3631-CO 3631-CO

256MB 256MB

128MB 128MB

240Mhz 240Mhz

None Tidak ada

2 2

2 2

2 2

70k pps Pps 70k

3640 3.640

128MB 128MB

32MB 32MB

100Mhz 100MHz

None Tidak ada

0 0

4 4

0 0

50-70k pps 50-70k pps

3660 3.660

64MB 64MB

64MB 64MB

225Mhz 225Mhz

1 or 2 Fast Eth 1 atau 2 Fast Eth

0 0

6 6

2 2

100-120k pps 100-120k pps

3661-CO 3661-CO

64MB 64MB

64MB 64MB

225Mhz 225Mhz

1 or 2 Fast Eth 1 atau 2 Fast Eth

0 0

6 6

2 2

100-120k pps 100-120k pps

3662 3.662

256MB 256MB

64MB 64MB

225Mhz 225Mhz

1 or 2 Fast Eth 1 atau 2 Fast Eth

0 0

6 6

2 2

100-120k pps 100-120k pps

Notes: 3600 Series routers are completely modular and support PCMCIA Flash Cards. Catatan: router 3600 Series sepenuhnya modular dan dukungan PCMCIA Flash Cards.
3620 & 3640 use an IDT R7000 RISC Processor 3620 & 3640 menggunakan prosesor RISC IDT R7000
3631 uses a PMC-Sierra RM7061A RISC Processor 3631 menggunakan PMC-Sierra RM7061A RISC Processor
3660's use a QED RM5271 RISC Processor 3660 yang menggunakan prosesor RISC QED RM5271

Cisco 2600 & Router Seri 2600XM

Router Router


Flash Flash


Ethernet Ethernet




Performance Prestasi

2610 2610

64MB 64MB

16MB 16MB

40Mhz 40Mhz

1 10Base-T 1 10Base-T

2 2

1 1

1 1

15k pps Pps 15k

2611 2611

64MB 64MB

16MB 16MB

40Mhz 40Mhz

2 10Base-T 2 10Base-T

2 2

1 1

1 1

15k pps Pps 15k

2612* 2612 *

64MB 64MB

16MB 16MB

40Mhz 40Mhz

1 10Base-T 1 10Base-T

2 2

1 1

1 1

15k pps Pps 15k

2613* 2613 *

64MB 64MB

16MB 16MB

40Mhz 40Mhz

None Tidak ada

2 2

1 1

1 1

15k pps Pps 15k

2620 2620

64MB 64MB

16MB 16MB

50Mhz 50Mhz

1 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet

2 2

1 1

1 1

25k pps 25K pps

2621 2621

64MB 64MB

16MB 16MB

50Mhz 50Mhz

2 Fast Ethernet 2 Fast Ethernet

2 2

1 1

1 1

25k pps 25K pps

2650 2650

128MB 128MB

32MB 32MB

80Mhz 80Mhz

1 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet

2 2

1 1

1 1

37k pps Pps 37k

2651 2651

128MB 128MB

32MB 32MB

80Mhz 80Mhz

2 Fast Ethernet 2 Fast Ethernet

2 2

1 1

1 1

37k pps Pps 37k

2610XM 2610XM

128MB 128MB

48MB 48MB

40Mhz 40Mhz

1 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet

2 2

1 1

1 1

20k pps Pps 20k

2611XM 2611XM

128MB 128MB

48MB 48MB

40Mhz 40Mhz

2 Fast Ethernet 2 Fast Ethernet

2 2

1 1

1 1

20k pps Pps 20k

2620XM 2620XM

128MB 128MB

48MB 48MB

50Mhz 50Mhz

1 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet

2 2

1 1

1 1

30k pps Pps 30k

2621XM 2621XM

128MB 128MB

48MB 48MB

50Mhz 50Mhz

2 Fast Ethernet 2 Fast Ethernet

2 2

1 1

1 1

30k pps Pps 30k

2650XM 2650XM

128MB 128MB

48MB 48MB

80Mhz 80Mhz

1 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet

2 2

1 1

1 1

40k pps Pps 40k

2651XM 2651XM

128MB 128MB

48MB 48MB

80Mhz 80Mhz

2 Fast Ethernet 2 Fast Ethernet

2 2

1 1

1 1

40k pps Pps 40k

2691 2691

256MB 256MB

128MB 128MB

160Mhz 160Mhz

2 Fast Ethernet 2 Fast Ethernet

3 3

1 1

2 2

70k pps Pps 70k

Notes: The 2600 Series utilize the MCP860 PowerQUICC Processor. Catatan: Seri 2600 menggunakan MCP860 PowerQUICC Processor.
The 2612 & 2613 have an RJ45 Token Ring port. The 2612 & 2613 memiliki port RJ45 Token Ring.
The 2691 supports both internal and CF (Compact Flash) Storage. The 2691 mendukung kedua internal dan CF (Compact Flash) Penyimpanan.
2620 & 2621 can support 32MB Flash with 12.1(3r) bootrom or later. 2620 & 2621 dapat mendukung 32MB Flash dengan 12,1 (3R) bootrom atau lambat.
The 2600XM Series can support 256MB DRAM using 12.2(8r) bootrom or later. Seri 2600XM dapat mendukung 256MB DRAM menggunakan 12,2 (8r) bootrom atau lambat.

Cisco 1700 Series Routers Cisco Router 1700 Series

Router Router


Flash Flash


Ethernet Ethernet




Performance Prestasi

1701 1701

128MB 128MB

32MB 32MB

40Mhz 40Mhz

1 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet

1 1

0 0

0 0

12k pps Pps 12k

1710 1710

96MB 96MB

16MB 16MB

48Mhz 48Mhz

1 Fast Eth & 1 10Base-T 1 Fast Eth & 1 10Base-T

0 0

0 0

0 0

7k pps Pps 7k

1711 1711

64MB 64MB

16MB 16MB

100Mhz 100MHz

1 Fast & 4 10/100 Switch 1 Cepat & 4 10/100 Switch

0 0

0 0

0 0

13.5k pps Pps 13.5k

1712 1712

128MB 128MB

32MB 32MB

100Mhz 100MHz

1 Fast & 4 10/100 Switch 1 Cepat & 4 10/100 Switch

1 1

0 0

0 0

13.5k pps Pps 13.5k

1720 1720

48MB 48MB

16MB 16MB

48Mhz 48Mhz

1 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet

0 0

2 2

0 0

8.5k pps 8.5k pps

1721 1721

128MB 128MB

32MB 32MB

48Mhz 48Mhz

1 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet

0 0

2 2

0 0

12k pps Pps 12k

1750 1750

48MB 48MB

16MB 16MB

48Mhz 48Mhz

1 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet

0 0

2 2

1 1

8.5k pps 8.5k pps

1751 1751

96MB 96MB

32MB 32MB

48Mhz 48Mhz

1 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet

0 0

2 2

1 1

12k pps Pps 12k

1760 1760

128MB 128MB

64MB 64MB

80Mhz 80Mhz

1 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet

0 0

2 2

4* 4 *

16k pps 16K pps

Notes: 1700 Series Routers use a Motorola MCP RISC PowerQUICC Processor Catatan: Router 1700 Series menggunakan MCP Motorola PowerQUICC RISC Processor
1711 & 1712 have an integrated VPN Hardware services module. 1711 & 1712 memiliki layanan VPN terintegrasi Hardware modul.
Models 1720 and later support an installable VPN Hardware Services Module. Model 1720 dan kemudian mendukung VPN diinstal Perangkat Keras Jasa Modul.
The 1711 Router has an integrated 56k v.90 analog modem. 1711 Router ini memiliki V.90 56k modem analog yang terintegrasi.
The 1760 has 4 available VIC slots, two of which can only support WIC's. The 1760 memiliki 4 slot yang tersedia VIC, dua di antaranya hanya dapat mendukung WIC's.

Cisco 3700 Series Routers Cisco Router 3700 Series

Router Router


Flash Flash


Ethernet Ethernet





Performance Prestasi

3725 3.725

256MB 256MB

128MB 128MB

240Mhz 240Mhz

2 Fast Ethernet 2 Fast Ethernet

3 3

2 2

2 2

1 1

100k pps Pps 100k

3745 3.745

256MB 256MB

128MB 128MB

350Mhz 350Mhz

2 Fast Ethernet 2 Fast Ethernet

3 3

4 4

2 2

2 2

225k pps Pps 225k

Notes: 3700 Series routers support High Density Service Modules (HDSM's) Catatan: router 3700 Series dukungan High Density Service Module (HDSM's)
3745 Can support 512MB DRAM (2x256MB SODIMM) using 12.3(6r) Bootrom. 3745 Dapatkah dukungan 512MB DRAM (2x256MB SODIMM) dengan menggunakan 12,3 (6R) Bootrom.
3700 Series routers support Online Insertion & Removal (OIR) of NM's and Power Supplies. 3700 Seri router dukungan online Insersi & Removal (OIR) dari NM dan Power Supplies.

Cisco 1800 Series Routers Cisco Router 1800 Series

Router Router


Flash Flash


Ethernet Ethernet



WiFi WiFi


Perform. Lakukan.

1801 1801

384MB 384MB

128MB 128MB

? ?

1 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet

aDSL Over Pots ADSL Lebih Pot

0 0

Yes Ya

0 0

70k pps Pps 70k

1802 1802

384MB 384MB

128MB 128MB

? ?

1 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet

aDSL over ISDN ADSL lebih ISDN

0 0

Yes Ya

0 0

70k pps Pps 70k

1803 1803

384MB 384MB

128MB 128MB

? ?

1 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet


0 0

Yes Ya

0 0

70k pps Pps 70k

1805 1805

384MB 384MB

128MB 128MB

? ?

1 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet

None Tidak ada

0 0

Yes Ya

2 2

70k pps Pps 70k

1811 1811

384MB 384MB

128MB 128MB

? ?

2 Fast Ethernet 2 Fast Ethernet

None Tidak ada

0 0

Yes Ya

2 2

70k pps Pps 70k

1812 1812

384MB 384MB

128MB 128MB

? ?

2 Fast Ethernet 2 Fast Ethernet

None Tidak ada

0 0

Yes Ya

2 2

70k pps Pps 70k

1841 1841

384MB 384MB

128MB 128MB

250Mhz 250Mhz

2 Fast Ethernet 2 Fast Ethernet

Yes* Ya *

2 2

No* No *

1* 1 *

75k pps Pps 75k

1861 1861

384MB 384MB

128MB 128MB

250Mhz 250Mhz

2 Fast Ethernet 2 Fast Ethernet

None Tidak ada

1 1

No Tidak

0 0

75k pps Pps 75k

Notes: All 1800 Series use a QED RM52xx Processor Catatan: Semua menggunakan sebuah Processor 1800 Series RM52xx QED
All 1800 Series excluding the 1841 have an 8 Port 10/100 Managed Switch. Semua tidak termasuk 1800 Series 1841 memiliki 8 Port 10/100 Managed Switch.
The 1841 does not have integrated WiFi but supports WiFi via the HWIC-AP The 1841 tidak memiliki WiFi terintegrasi tapi mendukung WiFi melalui HWIC-AP
The 1841 has a single USB 1.1 Port, Other 1800 Series have USB 2.0 The 1841 memiliki USB Port 1,1 tunggal, Lainnya 1800 Series memiliki USB 2.0
The 1841 support's the aDSL & G.SHDSL WIC and HWIC's. Dukungan 1841 adalah ADSL & G. SHDSL WIC dan HWIC's.
The 1841 has an AIM Slot (Advanced Integration Module) The 1841 memiliki Slot AIM (Modul Integrasi Advanced)
The 1841 supports the majority of existing WIC's, VWIC's and VIC's (Data Mode Only) The 1841 mendukung mayoritas yang ada WIC's, VWIC dan VIC's (Data Mode Only)
The 1805 has an integrated Cable DOCSIS 2.0 port and a 4 10/100 Port Managed Switch The 1805 memiliki kabel terintegrasi DOCSIS 2.0 port dan 4 Port 10/100 Managed Switch
The 1861 has 4x Integrated FXS ports, 2x BRI S/T, 8 Port 2x POE 10/100 Managed Switch. The 1861 telah 4x Terpadu port FXS, / 2x BRI S T, 8 Port POE 10/100 2x Managed Switch.

Cisco 2800 Series Routers Cisco Router 2800 Series

Router Router


Flash Flash


Ethernet Ethernet





Perform. Lakukan.

2801 2801

512MB 512MB

256MB 256MB

250Mhz 250Mhz

2 Fast Ethernet 2 Fast Ethernet

4 4

2 2

2 2

2 2

90k pps 90K pps

2811 2811

768MB 768MB

256MB 256MB

350Mhz 350Mhz

2 Fast Ethernet 2 Fast Ethernet

4 4

4 4

2 2

2 2

120k pps Pps 120k

2821 2821


256MB 256MB

466Mhz 466Mhz

2 Gigabit Eth 2 Gigabit Eth

4 4

4 4

2 2

3 3

170k pps Pps 170k

2851 2851


256MB 256MB

466Mhz 466Mhz

2 Gigabit Eth 2 Gigabit Eth

4 4

4 4

2 2

3 3

220k pps Pps 220k

Notes: The 2800 Series Routers have an Integrated Cryptographic Processor for VPN Services. Catatan: Seri 2800 Router memiliki Cryptographic Terpadu Processor untuk Layanan VPN.
The 2800 Series Routers have installable Digital Signal Processors (DSP's) for voice Services. The Seri 2800 Router telah diinstal Digital Signal Processors (DSP) untuk suara Layanan.
The 2801 Does not support the HWIC-1GE (1 Port SFP HWIC) The 2801 Tidak mendukung HWIC-1GE (1 Port SFP HWIC)
The 2800 Series supports the HWIC-1FE but not the HWIC-2FE. Seri 2800 mendukung HWIC-1FE tapi bukan-HWIC 2Fe. HWIC-2FE's require 3800 Series. HWIC-2Fe yang membutuhkan Seri 3800.

Cisco 3800 Series Routers Cisco Router 3800 Series

Router Router


Flash Flash


Ethernet Ethernet





Perform. Lakukan.

3825 3.825


256MB 256MB

500Mhz 500MHz

2 Gigabit Eth 2 Gigabit Eth

4 4

2 2

2 2

4 4

350k pps Pps 350k

3845 3.845


256MB 256MB

650Mhz 650MHz

2 Gigabit Eth 2 Gigabit Eth

4 4

4 4

2 2

4 4

500k pps Pps 500k

Notes: The 3800 Series routers support High Density Service Modules (HDSM's) Catatan: Seri 3800 Router mendukung High Density Service Module (HDSM's)
The 3800 Series routers have a single Small Pluggable Form-factor (SFP) port. The 3800 Series router telah Formulir Kecil faktor tunggal-Pluggable (SFP) port.
The 3825 Uses a Single-core Broadcom BCM1125H 500 MHz Processor. Para 3.825 Menggunakan Single-core Broadcom BCM1125H Processor 500 MHz.
The 3845 use a Dual-Core Broadcom BCM1250 650 MHz Processor. 3.845 Penggunaan sebuah Broadcom BCM1250 Dual-Core Processor 650 MHz.

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